Tuesday, December 27, 2005

DFL wins twice in St. Cloud

DFL press release:
Minnesota DFL candidates won two more holiday elections by picking up a state Senate seat and retaining a state House seat. Senate-elect Tarryl Clark soundly defeated Republican local personality Dan “the Ox” Ochsner in SD15, and Representative-elect Larry Haws scored an overwhelming victory over Republican write-in challenger Kay Ek in HD15B. Like Sen. Terri Bonoff’s victory in Nov., DFL candidates once again won in traditionally conservative districts.

“We’re very pleased with the two special elections,” said State DFL Chair Brian Melendez. “Voters in the St. Cloud area should be proud sending these two intelligent, passionate, and wonderful people to the State Capitol, and we’re glad to have them on our team.

“Both Tarryl and Larry ran great campaigns, and they know the hearts and minds of central Minnesotans. They listened to the community, and the community’s voice will be heard loud and clear in St. Paul.

“The election results shouldn’t surprise anyone,” said Melendez. “The policies of the governor and the Republican Party are not resonating with Minnesotans. People are tired of Republicans playing games with the budget and driving a wedge through this state. We will keep talking about the issues that are most important to Minnesotans: education, health care, jobs, and transportation.”
So despite Governor Pawlenty's best attempts to stack the deck (holding the election while St. Cloud State students are on break) the DFL wins a Senate seat that has been Republican.


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